Five years ago James O'Toole and Warren Bennis wrote an article for Harvard Business Review titled "How Business Schools Lost Their Way." The authors took b-schools for task for overemphasizing scholarly research and under-emphasizing ethics, leadership, and complex, cross-disciplinary issues. This week O'Toole and Bennis assess in Bloomberg Business Week online how much progress has been made.
NC State's MBA has long emphasized the sort of clinical learning environment used in professional schools in other disciplines such as engineering, law and medicine. Our students do lots of projects, much more so than in other schools. We also are national leaders in interdisciplinary concentrations such as supply chain and technology-based entrepreneurship.
Beanie Babies
5 years ago
Professor Henard uses this article in his Business Relationship Management course. It is no coincidence that he is one of the more naturally-gifted lecturers around or that he spent much of his career in industry. But as you said, his is only one of many courses that provides a hands-on experience. This has been a phenomenal program.