Beanie Babies
5 years ago
Thoughts on business school, economics, NC State, and everyday life from an economist at NC State's business school
That constant flow of grad students allows professors to teach interesting graduate seminars while pushing the grunt work of grading and tutoring and teaching intro classes to students and adjuncts. It provides a massive oversupply of adjunct professors who can be induced to teach the lower-level classes for very little, thus freeing up tenured professors for research.
Unfortunately, I’m essentially arguing that professors ought to, out of the goodness of their heart, get rid of their graduate programs and go back to teaching introductory classes to distracted freshman. Maybe they should do this. But they’re not going to.I agree that the professorate is not going to do this on its own. But will state-funded universities start to see pressure? Will those private schools who are cash-strapped see opportunity?